07. July 2022

The Constitutional Court put a temporary freeze on the application of certain articles of the new Environmental Protection Act

We represent a number of companies and have filed a constitutional challenge of the recently adopted Environmental Protection Act (ZVO-2) in relation to the extended producers responsibility (EPR). Based on our challenge the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia put a temporary freeze on the application of certain articles of the Environmental Protection Act, pending its final decision.

We estimate the law is disputable from the viewpoint of several legal perspectives, such as the principle of equality, principle of the rule of law, encroachment on acquired rights of existing organizations, principle of free entrepreneurship and free movement of goods, services and capital within EU. The Constitutional Court will require certain time to adopt its final decision; until then, we applaud to its decision to put a temporary freeze with the aim to avoid the irreparable damage caused to the participants at the market.

Here is a link to the decision (Slovenian only): https://www.us-rs.si/zadrzanje/zadrzanje-izvrsevanja-tretjega-in-cetrtega-odstavka-37-clena-cetrtega-petega-sestega-sedmega-osmega-devetega-in-enajstega-odstavka-38-clena-prvega-odstavka-40-clena-41-clena-ter-prvega-tr/

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Simon Žgavec

Odvetnik I Partner

Odvetnik Simon Žgavec
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